This is a post many people have enjoyed... I will go ahead and say that if you're not of African decent, you may or may not relate to this BUT I believe it's definitely something many entrepreneurs of various races go through. This is not a post for "racial profiling debates" just sharing an encounter no need to get any panties in a bunch.
*Grabs cup and sips tea* ....
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Photo Courtesy: RatedNGEE |
As if being a black anything isn't already a problem many of us have against us. Let me ask this. Are you a black entrepreneur or business owner? I'm sure, that like myself, you may have encountered people that wanted "the hook up".
I have quite a few times. Being a black, female entrepreneur, blogger, nail technician, among many other things, people often feel the need to think that they have an advantage of knowing you or believe that just because you're black and they're black that you will be very willing to give away your services for little to no cost for them. WHAT?! No way! It's ridiculous. Those of your own race inquiring about FREE this or FREE that, GIMME this or CAN YOU that. They have the expectation of your bending the rules and dipping out, for them, your business plan.
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Photo Courtesy: Google Images |
Not many consumers respect the hard work you do to be able to provide services and what not, all many of them care for is getting what they can. Clearly, the "THE HOOK-UP" is one of the biggest burdens of black entrepreneurial growth and profitability. Why do black people always expect other black people with businesses to offer free anything to them?
Let's break this down. You invest "x" amount of dollars into growing or starting a business that you feel is needed or lacks elsewhere. You take "x" amount of time to carefully plan your business, what service (s) you want to offer, who to cater to, where to build, how to go about building onto your business, and selling yourself to those who could possibly be potential clientele.
As a black business, your black consumer more than likely will not have "the hard work" in mind. If they know you, they're thinking, "Oh, I can get the hook up." If they know someone that knows you, "Oh, you think they'll cut the price for me?" If you're black and a service is too much for them, "Um, can I pay this and the rest later?" It's a shame when your own people don't respect your hustle enough to pay for a service they want from you! I've encountered this many times and those people are always the ones that are not loyal. If you happen to give in and give them a free service, they will expect you to do it again.
There's nothing wrong with your rates or prices for services you offer, there is something wrong with them and their wallet. If I see a service I want, I'm going to pay for it. It saddens me that my many of my own people would rather pay less for messy work or bad service than pay for GREAT work. That's all across the board. We should be here to help each other as a people. Sadly, it's just not that way.
I put a list of the "HOOK-UP" statements and questions. I've personally heard all of these before when someone inquired about a service:
- How much is it again?
- We're cousins girl! Can you charge me a little lower than that?
- Can you do my hair? I only have $25 but I want micros.
- How much you charge for kinky twists? $85? *No response to me afterwards*
- Did you say $18 for a full manicure? Um.
- I need my makeup did. I don't have a deposit but I'll pay you when I get my check Friday.
- I'll pay you next week. *NEVER got paid for service*
- I don't get a "friend discount"?
Sigh... it's a shame isn't it? It's been a learning process and I have surely been using the word, "NO" to it's highest power. People will take advantage, especially friends and family. Nothing wrong with "leaving the bill" but they should respect you enough to know that they too, will have to pay sometimes as well. Leave a tip at least... ya know lol.
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Photo Courtesy: Tumblr |
Now, I've learned to keep on my business plan and the only time a free service or special is offered is when I decide to share a special. That's not daily, more so by the month. Something new or switched out. NO, I can't type your research biographical by tomorrow, make you a wedding gown, bake your birthday cake, cut your hair, and all that other stuff for FREE! I can see if a consumer refers many new, paying customers. Then yeah, you may get free goods or services every now and then. You may even be at the top of the list for discounted services in the future. When it comes to business, especially entrepreneurial business, we make our living with networking, communicating, and selling.
At the end of the day, they should realize that they're not worrying about workplace bills, inventory, advertising fees, marketing materials, etc. Being your own boss and being too kind will only jeopardize your business in the long run.
C'mon, black people in particular. The point of having a business is to make money so we can continue to PROVIDE the products and services YOU enjoy! How can entrepreneurs make money, if they’re always expected to give away their goods and services for free?! Realize that those goods and services cost them money to create, develop, market, deliver, and keep in circulation.
Would it make sense for your consumer to want a free service but tell you about a business they own and you have to pay full price for their products or services? No. Money literally makes the world go around. If I don't pay my stylist to do my hair for an event, she won't be able to get her nail service the next week. Does this make sense?
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Photo Courtesy: Flickr |
Money has no choice but to circulate for the sake of economics and especially for black entrepreneurs to have that same chance to grow, compete, and expand. You don’t support the hustle of a black business by just wanting the hook-up. You support that black business/ entrepreneur by paying what's due.
It's okay for the black community to shop at MAC or Ralph Lauren, complain or not complain about the prices and STILL pay up but when wanting to shop black, many complain, and either wait for a freebie or leave with something negative to say. The shame... we must do better.
Problem is, we're our own adversity. What happened to helping one another. Seems as though people only want to help when it's something in it for them. You rarely see genuine help nowadays. Rather spend tons on products and services we get from complete strangers rather than those you claim to "support". Ay dios mio...
Business Owners/ Entrepreneurs? What have your experiences been like? Have you ever encountered this issue with friends or family? I love to read, leave your comments below!
To Onward Greatness!